Accessibility Notice
The Pet Farmacy is committed to the highest levels of satisfaction for all elements of our products and services including your experience on our website. As part of these efforts, The Pet Farmacy is dedicated to creating a quality online experience for those with disabilities that equal to that provided to customers without disabilities.
In order to support these accessibility goals on the The Pet Farmacy website, we are committed to the site’s development, design, and operation in general accordance with the best practices as defined by Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act and level A World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0/2.1, which outlines how to make websites more accessible.
As best practices continue to evolve, these efforts are ongoing. We will continue to monitor and make changes, as needed, to our website regarding accessibility. If you have any feedback, concerns, or questions about the accessibility of any particular web page on, please contact us here. If you do have any issues regarding an accessibility issue, we would love to know about it. Please email us and include the web page URL and we will make all reasonable efforts to address your concerns.