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Natura Health Products



Regular price $23.19
Regular price Sale price $23.19
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ImmuCare® is a concentrated immune system tonic designed to build, nourish and invigorate the blood while supporting healthy function of the immune, digestive and endocrine systems. By promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, the herbs in ImmuCare® increase immune surveillance. ImmuCare® helps the body adapt by regulating the responses of the adrenal cortex, thereby increasing the production and life-span of the white and red blood cells. It also regulates the release of immune-modulating interferons, interleukins, T-cells and immuno-globulins.

  • Taken daily, promotes healthy immune system function
  • Nourishes bone marrow and builds blood
  • Promotes endocrine system health
  • Supports vital energy reserves to enhance immune defense
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